MrsD2008 101in1001

June 17, 2009

The Mission:
Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.

The Criteria:Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on your part).

Start Date: 06.16.09

End Date: 03.12.12

So here’s my list.  Wish me luck:)

Big Travel:

1. Greece.   My husband’s family is there, shouldn’t be that hard, right?

2. Vegas.  Been there, done that. Wanna do it again.

3. California to visit Effie. (done! October 2009)

4. Niagra Falls.  Everyone has to do this, right?

5. Washington D.C.

6. Grand Canyon.  Maybe a two-in-one with Las Vegas?

7. Hilton Head

8. Take a Cruise.  Did this for my 21st birthday.  Maybe again for my 30th?

9. Disney.  Never been to the happiest place on earth:( Sad, huh?

Fun and Adventure

10. Road Trip!!

11. Biltmore

12. Sliding Rock

13. Go Camping

14. Go hiking at 10 different locations (0/10)

15. Visit Duke Gardens again

16. Take a train somewhere

17. Plan a trip with my mom and sister (Dollywood or Graceland?!)

18. Go to a zoo (San Diego Zoo!!!  October 2009)  Awesome!!!!

19. Go deep sea fishing.  I hear this might not be such a good idea(insert barf face here)

20. Go horse back riding

21. Check out the Museum and such down town Raleigh. Done!  I  visited the museum of Natural Science with my mom while she was here this week!  HUGE!  Four levels.  Caught a couple photos of some beautiful butterflies while we were there too! (07/29/09) I’m going to say this is sort of done b/c there is still a history museum and art museum I’d like to see!

22. Go fishing at the lake

23. Watch a movie at the drive-in at Henderson

24. Scuba dive/snorkel

25. Kayak

26. Fly a Kite

For me

27. Eat at 10 new restaurants (1/10) Elijah’s in Wilmington.  Fish and Chips.  It was pretty good. The fish wasn’t whole though:( (07/26/09)

28. Sing Karaoke.  Hopefully prefaced by drinking.

29. Go to 3 concerts (1/3)  Saw (listened to) Charlie Daniels Band.  Haven’t decided if I will count this as a concert since I didn’t get the full concert experience! (07/25/09)

30. Try 5 new foods (0/5)

31. Get a stylish hair cut.  (I’ll probably donate my hair to locks of love or another charity) January 2010.  Attempted this and failed.  EPIC FAIL.  20 inches later and my hair is TERRIBLE!!!!!  … at least I still donated it:)

32. Get a make-up consult.

33. Fit into my wedding dress (comfortably.)  I suppose it probably fits but I prefer it to fit without my boobs suffocating.

34. Start a family. OY!

35. Buy an awesome supportive strapless bra

For others(self less acts)

36. Send 20 postcards to friends(0/20)

37. Give blood twice(0/2)

38. Donate/Voluteer at Animal Shelter ( I have a friend who has signed me up for building fences for the Coalition of Unchained Dogs.)

39. Buy lemonade from kids on the side of the road

40. Ten random acts of kindness(0/10)

41. Send flowers to 3 people for no reason

42. Send ten greeting cards for no reason(0/3)

43. Volunteer for Habitat for Humanity or another charity like this


44. Pay off Credit Card Debt (set up a plan to pay off)

45. Complete the emergency fund

46. Allow a splurge or spontaneous decision with no regard to budget

47. For every item completed on this list deposit $10 in savings

48. Learn all about investing

49. Create a budget and put it on paper

50. Find a part-time job or another way to make some extra cash

51. Create a will

Stimulating the brain

52. Read 50 books(5/50) Twilight Series (4books), To Kill A Mockingbird,

53. Learn more about geography in general

54. Learn more specifically about another country and culture

55. Get a library card

56. Join word of the day to expand my vocabulary

57. Read the charting book if needed:P (bought it Jan 2010)

Stimulating the Soul

58. Throw an awesome party at our house to celebrate our friends and neighbors

59. List 101 things that make me happy

60. Write 10 reason’s why I love Tolis and give it to him

61. Have breakfast in bed

62. Watch the sunrise/sunset at the beach

63. Run because I love it again (yes, this is for my soul!) (started, trying to run Jan 2010)

64. Attend service at 3 different churches.

65. See a musical live(Wicked is in town… maybe)

For my health

66. Get a microderm or chemical peel

67. Get a massage (for my health of course)

68. Do 50 crunches every day far a month

69. Lose 10lbs (YAY!! Jan 2010)

70. Lose 10 more lbs

71. Lose 10 more lbs:)

72. Buy a pair of shoes that are good for my feet.  Danskos? (bought Sanita’s!  They are awesome!!)

73. Run 5k in under 35 minutes (45min Jan 2010)

74. Learn to cook

Organizing, creating and renovating  and more house stuff

75. Go through clothes again and donate or sell all that don’t fit (07/29/09)  Gave half of my clothes to my mom while she was here! LOL!  She only left behind 1 small box that will be promptly taken to Good Will!

76. Paint hallway upstairs

77. Photograph 10 events (0/10)

78. Print photos from our wedding, frame them and HANG them! (NOv 2009, framed but not hung.  have to paint the hallway upstairs first!)

79. Photograph downtown historic Wake Forest

80. Take family photos

81. Organize the garage.(07/18/09)  Not only did we organize the garage (nothing is on the floor! yay!) but we also got a fridge from a co-worker for Free!!  So nice to have an extra fridge:)

82. Set-up a recycle bin inside the house (NOv 2009, set it up in the garage and it works for us!)

83. Find a laundry basket for the laundry room

84. Convert front closet into a pantry possible change of plans on this.  We may just knock down the wall to make it a half-wall with a chilled wine cellar on the kitchen side:) This of course will be done long from now due to not having the money right now!  But it’s a great idea from my husband!

85. Make a to-do list for each week every Sunday

86. Buy a Dyson (no sense in being jealous of others) Possible change of plans on this as well.  I can’t see myself spending that much on a vacuum.  I am reviewing a few other options.(bought a Hoover mach.  Will never buy a Hoover. ever. again. ever. ever.)

87. Buy a steamer (**need this**)( Nov 2009, Bought a steamer for fabrics and a separate steamer for the floors! If you have hardwood floors, I would highly recommend buying a steamer!!!)

88. Make a house cleaning schedule  (**need this even more**) (DONE and DONE)   Love it!

89. Create and maintain a calendar with important dates and birthdays

90.  Buy a chair for the living room (there is currently a papasan chair from the screened-in porch.)  It looks ridiculously college dormish so I should replace it ASAP! LOL!….. updated January 2010…. still nothing!!

91. Start a blog (done!) and keep it updated


92. Buy and post a “no trespassing sign”

93. Put a lock on the back gate  (done, thanks to by awesome husband!)

94. Get Bozley his CGC and therapy training license

95. Take Bozley to the beach

96. Teach Bozley 3 new tricks (1/3) Taught him to speak.  Partly regretting this.

97. Hit golf balls at a driving range

98. Get someone else to do 101 in 1001

99. Buy reusable grocery bags and use them

100. Buy something off of

101. Wake up with the alarm goes off the first time every day for 2 weeks consecutively